A downloadable mod

The Minstrel in Shadowdark is a master of both song and steel, a cunning performer whose music can inspire allies, terrify foes, and even bend the very fabric of reality.

Inside this essential PDF, you'll discover:

  • A brand new class: Fully compatible with Shadowdark RPG, the Minstrel brings unique abilities and a fresh perspective to your game.
  • Musical magic: Wield powerful songs that heal, harm, and manipulate, all fueled by your artistic talent.
  • Performance prowess: Become a master of disguise, deception, and crowd control, using your performances to gain the upper hand.
  • Detailed rules and tables: Everything you need to create and play a Minstrel, including song lists, instrument rules, and even a critical failure table with a unique twist! (Broken strings, anyone?)
  • OSR flavor: Written with the gritty, old-school feel of Shadowdark in mind, this class fits seamlessly into your dark and dangerous campaigns.

Stop just playing your character – perform them! Download The Minstrel Class today and add a touch of magic and mayhem to your Shadowdark RPG adventures!

*Disclaimer. This product includes art created with AI sources. An additional PDF has been included to not include art. If this product provides you with joy and you choose to donate all proceed will go towards paying an artist.


Minstrel Class.pdf 3.4 MB
Minstrel Class no art.pdf 265 kB

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